    My original intention was not to have two girls but I guess my game thought different because I did indeed end up, with two girls. My intention was to get a boy and a girl but when I first made my sim eat all these apples, she still popped out a baby girl. I went along with it and figured the next kid could be a boy. But anyway, the child you see playing with the dolls is Piper. She is our clumsy, computer whiz who loves the cold. The girl next to her is Ginny she is athletic and she's easy to impress but then again she is a toddler. We also got robbed and I had no idea. I was watching my sims sleep when they both got the 'Stuff Taken' moodlet. Sure enough, their down stairs shower and stove had been taken. :(. When I bought new one's I also placed an alarm by the door. Speaking of the house, I discovered I have placed it the wrong way around. How do I know this? Well, I found my trash can and mail box facing out to the sea where no one could get to them... Don't worry, I went to buy mode and took them out to the front. I also got them a car. We threw a gift giving party but despite my attempts to make space, it turned into a house party. I didn't have room for the little gift carpet ;(. Also, for the first time my toddler aged up well. This is due to the fact that I actually potty trained them. For once I could choose the trait of my toddler!

More Coming Soon!

    So in this part, Chase and Sierra mostly spent their time just settling in. Hence, the title. I quit quite early because I still had to work on my October household a bit. Which you will be introduced in, 5 days. But anyway, they moved houses to this new one which is mostly on the sea. I got this house from the Exchange. I downloaded it ages ago so I can't remember who made it but let me just say I love it! My October household will have a similar house by the same person but still different. Anyway, I kind of wanted the whole family thing get started quickly because we only have 5 days left and I plan to update on all of them. So before I saved, I waited 'till Sierra became pregnant. Also, while I waited, Sierra spent her time at the Appaloosa Plains Fall Festival. She won in the apple Bopping contest. Also, I'm not a big fan of public sim weddings because I don't own Generations. So I just had them get privately wedded. IN THEIR FRONT LAWN. When I invited Chase over with the intention of them exchanging rings, I assumed he would come inside and not just wander around in the front. Like literally in the front. These two got married in the first two squares of the house area. Most romantic wedding ever.
Follow my tumblr! It's

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    Today, was Sierra's birthday. She finally embarked on her new life stage into young adult. During the party this guy named Chase Harley showed up and the two immediately hit it off. So I just thought, screw Jose Chase is in. So after Chase abruptly left the party, Sierra hunted down Jose and cruelly broke his heart. I honestly wish that in the sims 4 you can have break ups where your sims aren't screaming at each other. Also, before the birthday party the sink broke and I had Karla call a technician. But just when she got there, Sierra blew out her candles. Of course she had to join the celebration and left the sink to spray the guests. Then she left with out even fixing the sink! But we never payed her so I guess it's okay. The next day, Raphael called to fix the sink. And the same woman showed. This time though, she actually did her job. So, we came around to Spooky Day eventually and I decided to throw a feast party. It didn't turn out quite well though because one of the guests died and the Grim Reaper showed up. I left him to do his thing and when I came back I found Karla flirting with it! My sims are some weird sims. But anyway, there's only a few weeks left before I start up the October household and it's something I barely do in Sims. Can't wait to share it with you guys!

More Coming Soon!

    So, time for me to tell you what I did and you to sit and read. I sound so positive there. ;). Anyway, Kidd's birthday was today. And to clarify, his name really is spelled Kidd with 2 d's. Any who, he aged up to a child from a toddler. As a reminder he is adopted. He was alone with his dad at home when I figured I might as well age him up since he is such a pain in the butt (just like every other digital sim toddler...) So he developed the Unlucky trait. That's him there. Either I over fed him or he just decided on it himself, when I entered CAS he was the highest in the weight slider. I was like what the frik!? I lowered it just a little bit but he is still a little on the heavy side. Also, today, Sierra snuck out. With out me seeing! She was talking to this old lady she met at the library on my first game play day, and then the cops showed up. I decided to have the parents skip the lecture since it was her second time in a row. First was with Coco. I don't know why she had the sudden need to go meet an elderly lady she wasn't even up to friends with in their relationship. Also Raphael slacked off in school today. Thought you should know... Another fact about Sierra. She is officially on the honor roll. Which means her grade is a perfect A. Yay! I guess... I also thought Kidd was going to need some company being the youngest by a long shot so Karla called up the Adoption Shelter and adopted a Hyper, Genius and Friendly cat named Mips   . Yes, her name has those spaces. Why? I don't know.

More Coming Soon!

P.S. I will start working on Octobers household tomorrow. Don't worry, I will post it on 1st of October :).

    Today was somewhat eventful. For one thing, after I move Faith in yesterday, I realized she had no bed what so ever. So she was just going to have to share the room with Sierra. And yeah. That girl on the left is Sierra. I was just tired of her look and figured I could change it up a bit. I darkened her hair a little, changed it, gave her different make up and gave her a different dress. I also gave a makeover to her mom. It's way more different but I was too lazy to take a picture. I'm sure there is at least one picture of her new look in IOGP. Anyway... today I spent the day trying to figure out the new house a bit more. It was like I had moved right along with them. Also, both Raphael and Faith were acting glitchy. It was super weird. However it stopped after I reset them both. Nothing else weird occurred thought which I am more than okay with. I was really annoyed with the fact that even though Deadly Beauty is Marcus' horse, he has like level 1 riding skill. The one big factor that annoys me about the riding skill is that your sim doesn't stop looking like an idiot when they ride the horse until they're half way through the skill and it takes so LOOONNNGGG to develop. Anyway, that was my rant of the day. BTW I also posted on tumblr today so yah. Also, I noticed I had accidentally bought two stables. Don't know how that happened. But when Sierra woke up around MIDNIGHT! I had her go out to the riding centre and spend over 1,200 Sim Cash on a horse. So now she has one. But she's just as bad a rider as her dad. BTW Thought's of Mackenna was updated today.

More Coming Soon!

    So today I realized I was bored of the same old scenery. I think we all knew this was coming since I can get bored with one thing REALLY easily. So I decided to ditch their mansion build a new one and move them out. And I did. There is a pic of the house in IOGP. I also adopted the new kid today. His name is Kidd and he is a toddler. Yes, he is a male. There is a picture of him in IOGP as well. Now for this picture. I decided to get Raphael a girl friend so I got two random sims and mashed together their genes and I created this girl. I decided to make their back story a bit different though. So it basically goes like this, (BTW her name is Faith) So when Faith was small Faith's parents died and she went over to live with her aunt and uncle. How ever her rebelling side soon pushed through and her relatives decided to send her to a completely unknown family to her for 5 months to teach her some manners. When she got there Raphael immediately fell for her and now they're and item. So that's about it. I felt like making a sim with colored hair so I figured a bit of a rebelling sim would do. Also Thought's of Mackenna is going to be updated tomorrow. And I will be making a new page today I won't tell you anything about it here you'll just have

So today I threw a costume/birthday party for Raphael. I had a picture of him as a teen but I seem to have lost it. I'll take another one soon and show it to all of you guys either in my next post or in IOGP. Anyway, that's mostly all that happened. I made another CAS by the way so you can go check that out. Oh! And also, the mansion has an extra bedroom so since I'm not the kind of simmer who uses the 'ask to sleep over tonight' interaction, I figured I might as well use it. I thought that because it took me so freaking long time to get Staci pregnant, I didn't want to try that with Karla again. I also haven't adopted a child in a while so I was thinking that I could just as well do that right? So there may be a new family member coming soon. Just to keep the house a bit more 'alive'. For future plans, if Sierra and Jose do get married, they might not stay together. Hint, hint. Anyway,

More Coming Soon!

    Okay, am I the only one who can name 500 things wrong with this picture? Seriously! Ankles pointed up. He's slouching. It's like he doesn't even know what he is riding is called a horse! Sorry, anyway, I just wanted to show you this picture even though it irritates me just as much as it makes me laugh.
    Anyway, I got Jose and Sierra to go out on a date thinking that when the theater said 'next show at 5:00 pm' it meant movie. Instead it meant symphony. I couldn't get the date go wrong so I had them go see it. Unfortunately, to get Marcus up in his career I needed him to talk to his boss more, so before the date they went out to dinner and because Sims is stupid for this you can't have to groups out at the same time. So there was no actual date between Jose and Sierra. This really complicated things. Because when I got Marcus and his boss in the bistro I left the teens alone. Of course when I came back it was raining, Jose was no where in sight and Sierra was sitting, cross-legged, on the side walk DOING HOME WORK!!! I was so close to banging my head on the desk. I swear, if these two marry, they won't last very long... On the bright side Raphael is turning out good... I think. His b-day is in a few days so his birthday/costume party will be in the next post. Again, plz check out my tumblr which is
If you like my posts, share it with your friends. THANK YOU!

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Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you know I have now made a tumblr page the link is right below. I only made it today but I will get more into it. You can also find it on the top of my page next to the picture of the letter which is my email. I will update it everytime there are changes made to my site such as blog posts, new pages, Thought's of Mackenna, Sims Next Door etc.
Here's the link:

More Coming Soon!
    Today was Leisure day in Appaloosa Plains and so I had Sierra be a social butterfly and throw a pool party. I used it as a plan to get Jose to be her, smooth-haired, boyfriend. I had both parents leave before the guests arrived. Unfortunately, right after I had layed out the lounging thingys both parents went and took them all and there were like 10. Like What the Heck?! Anyway, they left to see a movie and Raphael wouldn't go for some reason every time I tried clicking go here with it would just delete the action. So the kids swam until Jose got there. Sierra immediately started flirting with him and finally got her first kiss with him! They are now boyfriend and girlfriend. I don't know why I talk about my sims in the third person, when I explain my game play. I should stop doing that... Anyway, leave comments and also leave new outro comments for me. I really don't like my 'More Coming Soon!' Anymore. I also updated Thought's of Mackenna and there is a new CAS. I saved and Quit just after I had confirmed Sierra's relationship Jose so I don't know if there's gonna be some drama with the parents. While I figure out my outro,

More Coming Soon!
(I really hate that)