    Today was Leisure day in Appaloosa Plains and so I had Sierra be a social butterfly and throw a pool party. I used it as a plan to get Jose to be her, smooth-haired, boyfriend. I had both parents leave before the guests arrived. Unfortunately, right after I had layed out the lounging thingys both parents went and took them all and there were like 10. Like What the Heck?! Anyway, they left to see a movie and Raphael wouldn't go for some reason every time I tried clicking go here with it would just delete the action. So the kids swam until Jose got there. Sierra immediately started flirting with him and finally got her first kiss with him! They are now boyfriend and girlfriend. I don't know why I talk about my sims in the third person, when I explain my game play. I should stop doing that... Anyway, leave comments and also leave new outro comments for me. I really don't like my 'More Coming Soon!' Anymore. I also updated Thought's of Mackenna and there is a new CAS. I saved and Quit just after I had confirmed Sierra's relationship Jose so I don't know if there's gonna be some drama with the parents. While I figure out my outro,

More Coming Soon!
(I really hate that)

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