    I had a hard time deciding which of my many game play pictures I should show you. I ended up with one of the first. This one. Which shows Hannah after a pie eating contest which she proudly lost. Anyway, Charlie's birthday was today and he aged up to child. He got the Insane trait due to his 'difficult upbringing' (which, by the way, I can't figure out a way to avoid) but then I used the cheat, 'testingcheatsenabled true' and modified his insane trait to loves the outdoors.

    Anyway, Hannah raked a big pile of leaves and I found out you could Try for a Baby in them so I tested it. After a while no signs of pregnancy showed so I thought she wasn't pregnant. However eventually she got nauseous every hour and since it was caused in an 'unknown way' I figured there was going to be a new kid in the house soon. It was a second son to Ben and Hannah Meier named Cameron. I chose the traits Brave and Athletic for him. His picture is in Images of Game Play.

More Coming Soon!

     I have nothing special for you today. If you read my last post you know I forgot to save my last game play. The only interesting (if you can call it that) picture I caught was this one of Ben passing out on the kitchen floor... He hadn't slept in a while. Anyway, my next post will hopefully be more interesting because I DID remember to save and THEN quit.

    More Coming Soon!

    Today's game play was neutral and then in the end a TOTAL disaster. In my last save Hannah and Ben brought home their newborn son, Charlie. His birthday was in my game play today and he aged up to toddler. An image of that is in 'Pictures of Game Play.' Any way since I own seasons the seasons changed. Today we experienced the change from Summer to Fall in Riverview (The town I play in.) My sims wanted to throw a feast party on Spooky Day. A.K.A. Halloween. However, Hannah came down with a cold and Charlie had an issue every five minutes. So I ended up begin too lazy to throw a party. Fortunately, like always though, Hannah was invited to a costume party. I predicted this would happen since every holiday at least one other household throws a party. So Hannah went and Ben crashed the party with her. Hannah went as a tiger and Ben as a soldier or something.
    Now while I was playing I was editing my website. You will see I added a forum where you can ask me questions. So I went to create a sim to create a profile picture for myself. Unfortunately it did not work. So when I was in CAS I clicked the Exit link. Unfortunately I forgot if I click it all unsaved data will be lost. I realized this only after the spinning green diamond appeared on the screen. So that was the epic flop I was talking about.

More Coming Soon!

    My current Household is Meier. It consists of the two Sims on the picture. The man is Ben and the woman is Hannah. Currently they live with Ben's parents and will move out soon when Hannah is pregnant. Anyway. This is Ben proposing to Hannah. They met as teenagers. Ben is the son of my rock star Sim who is in the picture above. Hannah is a Sim I made. Hannah and Ben are shown as teenagers on the home page. It is my favorite pic of the two of them.

    More coming soon!