Hello to all you patient simmers out there!

Let me tell you, I am on the verge of getting, the Sims 3 Island Paradise! I have the money but I am uncertain of when it is I will get the actual game but in the mean time I hope you will be patient. I do not have the base game with me but it is installed on my mac. The only issue is that my Mac is at least 4 years old and starting to run very s l o w l y. Therefore my sims doesn't work all to well on it. I am hoping that maybe the expansion pack will help it.

More Coming Soon!
Hello readers!
Before I tell you my update on my gameplay, I'll say, I made my current household before the 3rd issue of the Sims Official Magazine came out. I have been playing it but I haven't been updating becasue when my gaming sessions grow long I forget the things that happened and sometimes nothing happened at all.

Now for my update;
I have arrived in my home country and I am spending some time at my grandpa's house. Approximately two weeks becasue my brother is going to this camp most kids from my home country require to go to. In that time I hope to be able to get Island Paradise with some of my birthday money. It was on May 15th so don't think it was like yesterday or something. But my poit here is that I have recently read the new issue of the Sims Official Magazine and one article is about savoring the sims 3 before the sims 4 comes out in 2014. Now I know it's far away but there is so much to do to finish the game. So I will now stop playing my current household and start doing everything I can before the sims 4 releases. I will have mulitple households and I most likely will just use premade sims. Becasue there will be multiple households, they wil not be put up on SimFace. I think I will only start this whole Savoring the Sims 3 after my summer break since I also want to play Island Paradise steadily. But ayway some of my ways to finish the sims 3 are:
1. Get every badge there is
2. Try to kill sims in starange ways (such as freezing to death)
3. Create an alien family
4. and the exact opposite of no. 2 saving a sim from freezing since I have not tried that yet and I am curious.

More Coming Soon!

P.S. Yes I updated my signature as well but only becasue I wasn't using the computer my original signature was saved on so I figured might as well change it now. :)