Here we are. At my very last post this site will ever see. I started this site back in 2013 in May. And it had a pretty good run for 2 months. No one actually contacted me. All I could see were page views that meant nothing really. They were just numbers. Then the site became a little less. As the numbers went from 30 down to 5, Diary Of A Sim became what it's title literally means. My own personal diary that was open to everyone but no one ever really read or saw. 

The very last picture I can give you you is this one of Brianna. She was the only teen of a household I had. I played with them for quite a while but I only showed you about 2 posts. But honestly... I would've loved to do more. This was supposed to be her SimFace profile. But it ended up as just a picture buried within my computers files. I'm showing you this because it pretty much sums me up. A nerdy girl who knows she has a bright future but no one else really believes it or never the less, notices it. So here you are... one last smile from one of my favorite sims ever... :)


    So I haven't updated any of you my lovely readers on anything that has been going on with the Archers. Or me for that matter. I came home form my holiday 3 days ago and so couldn't access my Sims Archer family. I hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year! And if you don't celebrate Christmas, I hope you had a great holiday. Over the break, I got a new expansion pack. Some of you can tell from the screenshot that it is, The Sims 3 Generations. So far, I'm very pleased. I got this expansion pack with my current Generation household specifically in mind. The review for this expansion pack will be up in maybe a week or two after I've played it a little longer and gotten a feel for it. Anyway, Kayla and Rickey aged up. Kayla got a horse and named it Roamer. It's black and has a white spot on it's back. Rickey married Bella Bachelor and they now have a daughter named Abby. I placed the Archer home on a street full of empty slots. I have chosen to use the empty lots as my generation homes. Only people from the Archer family will live here is what I'm saying. My house got over crowded once Abby was born so all generation abilities got shut out. Luckily I got this brilliant idea. Now some of you think, I'll just forget a household. That is not true. I will switch between households every week so I know what's going on. So, I will play with Bella and Rickey for the rest of this week and the whole of next. I will switch back to my original household next next week Monday. During that time I'm hoping to get Kayla married. I also sent Parker to a boarding school. I wanted him to be that rebel teen who threw parties without permission and did pranks on everyone. We'll see how this new technique works.

More Coming Soon!

P.S. SimFace will also be updated today

    Hey Simmers!
Merry (early) Christmas! Obviously my game was in sync since today the Archer family celebrated Snowflake Day. No big changes happened except that Trent aged up to Adult. So here are the presents everyone got. For some strange reason Kayla and Marcie got two presents but it doesn't really matter sine they both got an easel. Both times they got the present. It was a little disappointing. Parker got a lamp. Not too sure what I'll do with it yet and Rickey was the only person with a good present. He got a chess set. The expensive version. I will move the family to a much bigger house once Rickey ages up and marries Bella. That's when the generation part of the game will mostly start. Anyway, I also tried to get Parker a girlfriend. I spotted Sandi French at the park when he was out once. They became friends but then she had to leave. I tried to get the together at today's party but it was really crowded in the house so they couldn't find open space. I know most people might say just find someone easier. She is a bit harder since she seems to always have to be somewhere. But the reason I want Parker to be so determined to get this particular girl is becasue she is the daughter of Molly French. Now Molly was the first person Marcie was introduced to when the family moved to Sunset Valley. It ended with the two of them inside a cloud of dust. Now every time the two are near each other they get negative moodlets and want to kill each other. Exactly why I want Sandi was a future addition to the family. Leave comments about where you want the Archer family heading!

More Coming Soon!

Another update on the same day... Yay!
I am so sorry but my game crashed and I hadn't saved. All my data is lost. Parker is still a child. Kayla doesn't have a horse. The makeover I gave Marcie is gone and etc. It is still Fall when it's supposed to be winter. But anyway, I will try to replicate my last saved gameplay but if you notice some pictures different from the others, this is why

More Coming Soon!
    Hey Simmers!
I am so sorry for being gone for so long! I've been really busy with school, tests and preparing for Christmas. How's your December going? Mine has been very eventful. But last time I updated my blog I said I had been gone becasue I have been working on a Sims TV series for YouTube and now episode 1 is done. I am working on episode 2. If you want to check it out click this link:

But still, I am back and I know its been a while since I have actually had a balanced household. The monthly household thing isn't working for me. So I figured I might do something like, a certain amount of updates. Like 30-40 updates per household. I might do this like at the end of every week. So that I update my weekly game play.
Let's get on with my household. I won't move out any of the sims who join the family. It'll be, what I like to call, a generations household. I've been playing this for quite a while and thought I would introduce them to you guys. In the beginning it was basically the mom, the dad, a boy child and a toddler girl. Then later in game, a baby boy was born. Now they're all teens. SimFace is updated so go check that out for further info. The mom is also featured in Sims Next Door. I liked her a lot so I felt like I would play with her for once. I gave her a husband and two kids. They live in Sunset Valley in a house that I made. They have one horse since the girl of the family (Kayla) has the lifetime wish, The Jockey and the trait Equestrian. Anywayz, tell me where you want to see this family going. I will update you guys on... possibly the 27th? We'll see!

    More Coming Soon!

During the week I had both the Sims of my house go out everyday and try to find some people to connect with. Arthur had some better luck considering the fact that the first day they moved, some residents came to welcome them to the town. One of them was fortunately a woman his age. I just decided to give her a makeover. Once I had done so I checked her traits and hopefully the only bad traits were workaholic and perfectionist. I mean those aren't necessarily bad but they were the worst she had. I also think she was ambitious. But any way, her name is Tori Kati... something or other. So at this point they're in a BF, GF relationship. Luckily, Arthurs daughter has no problem with it. Even though its been like 12 years since Brianna's mother died.
So moving on to Brianna's love life. You must be wondering what our leading nerd has been up to. She met someone a school. At this point we'll switch to story mode. So basically she met a guy at school. He's the typical popular jock. So naturally it was love at first sight. Well... for Brianna at least. Somehow magically they became friends however. Now the next part of her plan can begin. Read the next post to find out what she'll do.

BTW: Now's your chance to affect the story and life line of my sims. They're tiny digital lives are now in your hands. Leave comments on how you want things to work out for Arthur, Brianna and Rocky (Their Dog)

More Coming Soon!

Okay, so yes, I was supposed to upload this household ages ago but I'm doing it now so stop whining. In my previous post I mentioned some technical difficulties but as you can see, I have gotten over them and am now proceeding to this household. Let's take a look at their past shall we?

Arthur Ebert was always a very smart boy. When he grew up, he made a living as a scientist. After he left college, he met his wife. Jennifer Lo. He was head over heels. They got married and lived very happily. One day, Arthur needed Jennifer's help. Jennifer was a naturally nice person so she said yes. That night, the science experiment went terribly wrong. Jennifer went to sleep that night and never awoke again. Arthur was devastated. All he had left of his love was the daughter they had. Brianna Ebert soon became everything to his father. She became a nerd just as well as her father. She had some friends but as soon as people in Bridgeport found out about Arthurs dark past tensions began to rise. The family of two moved to Sunset Valley to start again. Will Brianna be able to find the love of her life, who won't judge her, in Sunset Valley. And can Arthur finally move on from his dead wife?

Feel free to tell me what you think about my household! 

More Coming Soon!

P.S. I changed my signature... like???

Hey Simmers!
I have to give you this update slightly early because I knew I wouldn't do it tomorrow. Any who, so I have now gotten all my Sims stuff sorted on my Mac. Including CC. So basically I'm saying my let's play's are probably going to be from my Mac from now on unless I change my mind. There is also a possibility I will continue to play on my PC but the only reason this sudden change was made was because my PC is running out of space and if I want the newest expansion pack, I have to get more space on it. But no matter what I do I can't seem to get enough space. It sort of saddens me because some people may know from experience that The Sims 3 runs better on PC than on Mac. Probably because that's what it was first designed for.  So I will no longer be continuing my other household but I will give you guys an update on the 1st of November on the November household. 

More Coming Soon!
    You're probably wondering, why does Dawn look so different? Or then you're thinking, who the hell is that?! Anyway, that is indeed Dawn. As the young mother of the family I figured she might as well take her responsibility seriously. So she read online that it isn't good for a child's growth if their mother looks like... well what Dawn used to look like. So she went and grew out her hair. She dyed it a lighter color. She wasn't going to totally make herself look like a 40 year old mother so she decided to put her hair in 5 braids on the side. She ditched the dark brown and purple and moved onto black and bright blue. She is wearing ripped black jeans in the picture. So now, she is a little less, freaky I guess. Oh, and her old pet squirrel ran away since I never realized he had been sitting in Dawn's inventory for 3 straight days. So I got her a black and white rat and named it Squeaker. Dawn also had a very traumatizing experience. Being a vegetarian, she couldn't eat meat. Well I accidentally made her have some Stuffed Turkey and she got sick for 6 hours. Moving on from Dawn. Joselyn decided to take the next step into her relationship with Ronny. She asked him out to the movies and when they arrived back at her place she asked him to marry her. Luckily he said yes. I saved on a (Sim) Saturday, so when I continue the wedding will be on Sunday. Joselyn also published her Sci-fi book, 2048. Apparently it was a huge flop and no one wants to read it. But then again, all the interviews she wrote about in her blog weren't very liked either. She is going to get 6 royalty earnings of 33 simoleons. Her new book, which she is working on right now, is a Drama novel. It is called The Gosling. I also realized today, this household only has 6 days left. Hopefully, the next one will include The Sims 3 Into the Future. BTW, no I do not celebrate Halloween. Don't ask.

More Coming Soon!

P.S. New CAS up today!

    Now before you go, what's her problem? I need to explain that the guy next to her is called Ronny. Her ex-boyfriend. Only I figured out that I wanted them back together. Even after Ronny sent us a letter with a picture of a dead Joselyn. So I got them back together by inviting Ronny over. Dawn was no help what so ever because the moment Joselyn invited Ronny through the door Dawn went and shot him with a Flirtatious Joke. This is what happened when I made her leave the room and attend to her crying daughter. You can tell Joselyn isn't very happy with her friend. Anyway, they did get back together. So we entered the fall season today and so Spooky day rolled around. I had our now child Fiona go Trick or Treating in an alien costume. Unfortunately none of our neighbors were home. Except the Novak's (my surfer twins) but they were just leaving to a costume party Davina had thrown. Speaking of that. All my sims, including Lucky, have been smelly all day due to a broken shower I noticed only when they woke up. So then I had to call the repair technician but before he came I replaced the shower with a new one. You see, he took so long, I forgot he was coming! It took quite a long time for me to wash all my sims and dog but I eventually got there. Dawn's boyfriend status is slowly going down. The man who was her romantic interest before her current boyfriend, went on a date with her today. Dawn asked to be just friends and he took it quite badly. I had to use the Calm Down interaction at least 5 times before he seemed at least a little calmer. Dawn then hugged him good bye but I knew that behind his smile he was planning how to kill her. I made sure not to invite him to the party...

More Coming Soon!

P.S. Go check out my reviews page. It has replaced thought's of Mackenna because it was way too hard for me to do. Okay, no. I was just too lazy to do a new entry regularly.