During the week I had both the Sims of my house go out everyday and try to find some people to connect with. Arthur had some better luck considering the fact that the first day they moved, some residents came to welcome them to the town. One of them was fortunately a woman his age. I just decided to give her a makeover. Once I had done so I checked her traits and hopefully the only bad traits were workaholic and perfectionist. I mean those aren't necessarily bad but they were the worst she had. I also think she was ambitious. But any way, her name is Tori Kati... something or other. So at this point they're in a BF, GF relationship. Luckily, Arthurs daughter has no problem with it. Even though its been like 12 years since Brianna's mother died.
So moving on to Brianna's love life. You must be wondering what our leading nerd has been up to. She met someone a school. At this point we'll switch to story mode. So basically she met a guy at school. He's the typical popular jock. So naturally it was love at first sight. Well... for Brianna at least. Somehow magically they became friends however. Now the next part of her plan can begin. Read the next post to find out what she'll do.

BTW: Now's your chance to affect the story and life line of my sims. They're tiny digital lives are now in your hands. Leave comments on how you want things to work out for Arthur, Brianna and Rocky (Their Dog)

More Coming Soon!

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