Hey Simmers!
I have to give you this update slightly early because I knew I wouldn't do it tomorrow. Any who, so I have now gotten all my Sims stuff sorted on my Mac. Including CC. So basically I'm saying my let's play's are probably going to be from my Mac from now on unless I change my mind. There is also a possibility I will continue to play on my PC but the only reason this sudden change was made was because my PC is running out of space and if I want the newest expansion pack, I have to get more space on it. But no matter what I do I can't seem to get enough space. It sort of saddens me because some people may know from experience that The Sims 3 runs better on PC than on Mac. Probably because that's what it was first designed for.  So I will no longer be continuing my other household but I will give you guys an update on the 1st of November on the November household. 

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    You're probably wondering, why does Dawn look so different? Or then you're thinking, who the hell is that?! Anyway, that is indeed Dawn. As the young mother of the family I figured she might as well take her responsibility seriously. So she read online that it isn't good for a child's growth if their mother looks like... well what Dawn used to look like. So she went and grew out her hair. She dyed it a lighter color. She wasn't going to totally make herself look like a 40 year old mother so she decided to put her hair in 5 braids on the side. She ditched the dark brown and purple and moved onto black and bright blue. She is wearing ripped black jeans in the picture. So now, she is a little less, freaky I guess. Oh, and her old pet squirrel ran away since I never realized he had been sitting in Dawn's inventory for 3 straight days. So I got her a black and white rat and named it Squeaker. Dawn also had a very traumatizing experience. Being a vegetarian, she couldn't eat meat. Well I accidentally made her have some Stuffed Turkey and she got sick for 6 hours. Moving on from Dawn. Joselyn decided to take the next step into her relationship with Ronny. She asked him out to the movies and when they arrived back at her place she asked him to marry her. Luckily he said yes. I saved on a (Sim) Saturday, so when I continue the wedding will be on Sunday. Joselyn also published her Sci-fi book, 2048. Apparently it was a huge flop and no one wants to read it. But then again, all the interviews she wrote about in her blog weren't very liked either. She is going to get 6 royalty earnings of 33 simoleons. Her new book, which she is working on right now, is a Drama novel. It is called The Gosling. I also realized today, this household only has 6 days left. Hopefully, the next one will include The Sims 3 Into the Future. BTW, no I do not celebrate Halloween. Don't ask.

More Coming Soon!

P.S. New CAS up today!

    Now before you go, what's her problem? I need to explain that the guy next to her is called Ronny. Her ex-boyfriend. Only I figured out that I wanted them back together. Even after Ronny sent us a letter with a picture of a dead Joselyn. So I got them back together by inviting Ronny over. Dawn was no help what so ever because the moment Joselyn invited Ronny through the door Dawn went and shot him with a Flirtatious Joke. This is what happened when I made her leave the room and attend to her crying daughter. You can tell Joselyn isn't very happy with her friend. Anyway, they did get back together. So we entered the fall season today and so Spooky day rolled around. I had our now child Fiona go Trick or Treating in an alien costume. Unfortunately none of our neighbors were home. Except the Novak's (my surfer twins) but they were just leaving to a costume party Davina had thrown. Speaking of that. All my sims, including Lucky, have been smelly all day due to a broken shower I noticed only when they woke up. So then I had to call the repair technician but before he came I replaced the shower with a new one. You see, he took so long, I forgot he was coming! It took quite a long time for me to wash all my sims and dog but I eventually got there. Dawn's boyfriend status is slowly going down. The man who was her romantic interest before her current boyfriend, went on a date with her today. Dawn asked to be just friends and he took it quite badly. I had to use the Calm Down interaction at least 5 times before he seemed at least a little calmer. Dawn then hugged him good bye but I knew that behind his smile he was planning how to kill her. I made sure not to invite him to the party...

More Coming Soon!

P.S. Go check out my reviews page. It has replaced thought's of Mackenna because it was way too hard for me to do. Okay, no. I was just too lazy to do a new entry regularly. 

    It is for Hunter Cottoneye. You don't see him here but he is about to enter this building, the River Front Swim Club. Inside, waiting, is his current girlfriend Dawn Dawson with a plan all laid out but before we get to that, let's see what our girls have been up to.
For one, Dawn, is in the lead with 4/10 boyfriends dated. The other girls? 1/10 for both. But that's okay because Joselyn realized her true calling. Writing. She is now and avid blogger who writes about people, and the things that go on around us. While Davina realized she really wants to be more friends with people than break their hearts. So while two women are changing their lives, one is still sticking to hers. So Hunter Cottoneye, is indeed, the 3rd boyfriend of Dawn. Only, he left quite the impression. You see, I wanted to flip the story a bit and make Dawn 'accidentally' pregnant. I did Try for Baby twice, but no jingle came. So I left it at that. So when Dawn moved on to her next guy and had just finished her 5th WooHoo with him she stepped out of bed and swapped into Maternity wear. I was a little more than confused. But now the household has been joined by Fiona Dawson, daughter of Dawn Dawson and Hunter Cottoneye. So while Dawn was pregnant, I decided to get her a little comfort pet... or 2. After adopting a squirrel and naming it Gibson she also adopted a dog named Lucky. A small, male, mutt. So how will this strange household's future work out?

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    I would like to apologize for the confusion. And the fact that I haven't updated my blog in like 3 weeks. For one, I uploaded the wrong household. You see for the first thing I uploaded the wrong picture, which I only noticed after the upload about 3 weeks ago. Then before I uploaded a week ago I already wrote my post on word so I would just have to copy and paste. I unfortunately opened the wrong file and uploaded as a result the wrong text. So that's that. This is my real Current October household. Here is their back story. These three girls met in College. None of them had any plans of settling down and were all open to what ever affection (if you know what I mean) they could get. The first girl is a bit of a dreamer. Her name is Joselyn. She loves a guy who can please her every need. Her only problem? She can't decide, what her needs actually are. The next girl is the leader of the group. She's called Davina.  Ever since she first cheated on a guy, she realized the best liked the guys, she couldn't have. The forbidden fruit. She knew then, there was no way she could ever permanently settle down. The last girl on the right is Dawn. When she first got to college, every boy was drawn to her. After spending weeks rejecting she finally gave in to one guy. Who broke her heart, and left her for another. Then she met Davina and Joselyn. She realized then that she could only show to a guy what it felt like by doing the same. And Dawn hasn't regretted it since.

More Coming Soon!

    So today with a heavy heart I pressed the delete button to the Fraser household. I would've liked to see where it could've gone but I was excited to share this new one with you so I went and did it. Let's get to their back story.

    Tyra, Monica and Cassie met in college. All with very different goals but some how they clicked. Tyra, soon found it clear one guy wasn't going to cut it. She quickly gained the slut label but didn't have a problem with it. Monica was always the leader. No one questioned her. She was fair and followed the politics. She became president of the student body and realized her true calling was to lead the people. Cassie was always the black sheep of the group. When she was little she wondered off into the woods and saw a shimmer. She ran deeper in and found what she swear was a beautiful creature with a narwhal horn. Even at her current age she hasn't given up search. And her friends haven't given up on her.

More Coming Soon!