    You're probably wondering, why does Dawn look so different? Or then you're thinking, who the hell is that?! Anyway, that is indeed Dawn. As the young mother of the family I figured she might as well take her responsibility seriously. So she read online that it isn't good for a child's growth if their mother looks like... well what Dawn used to look like. So she went and grew out her hair. She dyed it a lighter color. She wasn't going to totally make herself look like a 40 year old mother so she decided to put her hair in 5 braids on the side. She ditched the dark brown and purple and moved onto black and bright blue. She is wearing ripped black jeans in the picture. So now, she is a little less, freaky I guess. Oh, and her old pet squirrel ran away since I never realized he had been sitting in Dawn's inventory for 3 straight days. So I got her a black and white rat and named it Squeaker. Dawn also had a very traumatizing experience. Being a vegetarian, she couldn't eat meat. Well I accidentally made her have some Stuffed Turkey and she got sick for 6 hours. Moving on from Dawn. Joselyn decided to take the next step into her relationship with Ronny. She asked him out to the movies and when they arrived back at her place she asked him to marry her. Luckily he said yes. I saved on a (Sim) Saturday, so when I continue the wedding will be on Sunday. Joselyn also published her Sci-fi book, 2048. Apparently it was a huge flop and no one wants to read it. But then again, all the interviews she wrote about in her blog weren't very liked either. She is going to get 6 royalty earnings of 33 simoleons. Her new book, which she is working on right now, is a Drama novel. It is called The Gosling. I also realized today, this household only has 6 days left. Hopefully, the next one will include The Sims 3 Into the Future. BTW, no I do not celebrate Halloween. Don't ask.

More Coming Soon!

P.S. New CAS up today!

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