So I just realized I created an August household in the end of August so I had to sort of do some quick thinking since tomorrow is the last day of August.

    I will sort of continue and sort of not continue with my current household. I will age up the kids, build them a home, have Bear and Zoey breed some puppies and then move them out. So it will be like continue the generation. I will use that household for the rest of September.

    So that was my quick update! See you in September!

    More Coming Soon!
    I'll start by saying the title has NOTHING to do with this picture. Anyway, in the picture you see Clover feeding her new Blue-Gold Mackaw Parrot name Rin. She has already taught him to talk in a Loving way. Anyway, today's game play was very uneventful. What did happen was that once again, the family moved. To a house I built. The pic is in I.O.G.P. But yeah. The twins aged up and I was too lazy to get their head shots in CAS so I got a lot of pictures of them during the game play.

    Now to the part about the Title. So today while Dylan was at the gym he ran into Nancy who is this old woman in The Sims 3 Sunset Valley. Well not old, old. If you go in the sims wiki you will find her under citizens of Sunset Valley. But anyway, they talked and then he left. Nothing special but then the mail came and Staci payed the bills and then got the mail. Just one letter and it was for Dylan. It was a LOVE LETTER from Nancy! Like what the heck!? I think I might have created the perfect guy. Everyone is after him. It's annoying...

More Coming Soon!

P.s. New CAS up again today

    So yes, Simmers, Staci did get pregnant, she just didn't get the nauseous moodlets. She had twins and I didn't even use the whole Fertility Treatment Reward. Now this picture brings back some memories. This is when Staci was casually walking into the hospital all "Baby coming please don't panic" and this random strange is standing there screaming and pointing at my sim. Why this brings back memories? When Staci and Dylan still lived in Appaloosa Plains with Julie something like this happened as well. Julie was out boyfriends hunting when suddenly as she stepped out of the gym she snapped into jump and point mode. I noticed a lady who was about to give birth. So I had Julie ship her to the hospital as I waited I thought, I better get something out of this but all I got was the IT'S A BOY! moodlet. So yeah. By the way the twins are named Sydney and Clover. Sydney is Insane and Neurotic and Clover is Easily Impressed and a Light Sleeper. Also, Dylan went to Cornelia Goth's pool party during Leisure day. During the party at least 5 girls came up to him and were attracted to him. When the fifth came up I decided to leave before Dylan's Flirty trait took action.

    Now for the Flea's part of the title. While Zoey was out raising her hunting skill she caught fleas apparently. I thought this was a really cool addition to the game but annoying because I don't really like the black flying balls on my dogs. I had to give him a flea bath. Bear gained the Non-Destructive and Playful traits and it seemed like everyone saw a deer. Well interesting game play on my part I think.

More Coming Soon!
 P.S. I posted a new Create a Sim. And look out for the new post from Mackenna. Also SimFace has Mollies profile now. Go check it out!

    So this is like only the third time playing with my household of August. First time I had them settle into Appaloosa Plains, second time Julie adopted a horse called Bacon and Dylan wooed Staci. Now let's get into today's game play shall we?
    So today I decided to have Dylan break off from his twin sister and start a family with his girlfriend. So I had the whole household move to Sunset Valley. Once there, I gave Julie and Bacon a nice home and shipped Staci, Dylan and Zoey to a different house. Then Staci organized the wedding and Dylan and her got married. I also realized at that point, Sunset Valley has like 0 pet households. So it was going to be a real pain to raise Zoey's social need, since interacting with humans gives just one arrow, other pets (horses and cats) give two and dogs give three. So once Dylan woke up I bought another dog bed and food bowl and had Dylan call up the adoption shelter. A few hours later Bear's picture popped up underneath Zoey's. He's a big white dog with floppy ears and soft fur. He is a pure bred and a male. I also tried to make Staci pregnant like twice and have no results yet but, hope something will soon come up. Also, right after the wedding, well not right after but like a day, Staci got a call from Julie and it said,
'Hey Staci! Our horse just gave birth and we'd love for you to adopt one. Just stop by if you're interested'... Like WHAT? Bacon is a daddy? Since when? Oh well. I figured I'd update you like this instead of like in the end of the day because then there would be way too much stuff to talk about.

    Okay, so finally after the wait of like... what? 2 months? Yes, I am releasing another current household. So I have recently found the Pose Player cmomoney in Mod the Sims. So I figured I could use it on this picture. So I will now just use SimFace I guess to show you their traits. Anyway, let's get on with my household.

    So I have indeed found some Custom Content online and a lot of it is used on this household. (BTW one member is not in this picture) Its mostly Custom content and 7,8,9. (70's, 80's and 90's stuff pack) The two brunettes you see on here are twins. The blondie is the Brunettes BFF. So here is some backstory...

So basically the two girls have been best friends since they were toddlers. (I am not mentioning names because I do not remember the blondies name.) So when they graduated from university they decided to move in together. Now the brunettes twin brother had no place to stay since he had just recently divorced from his wife and had gotten kicked out with his German Shepard, Zoey. So he begged his twin to come live with them. He hadn't seen his sisters friend since he was 16 and now seeing her as a grown woman something struck. Will he be able to win her heart?

I said 'so' a lot in this post didn't I? Anyway, that's my household. Tell me what you think. If you want to see some create a sim reviews done by me leave a comment. The diary page will be published on my site on the 25th. The actual character will be revealed an day before so the 24th.

More Coming Soon!

    To all of you who are anticipating the new page it will be coming up soon!. A small sneak peek of the diary and the sim. I will be editing it. She will have custom content on her and if you want to download her when she makes her first appearance, I don't want you to get your hopes up too much so let me say something. She includes the following content (On the draft) Base Game, Store, Custom and Pets. If you want her whole you would need those. So far no seasons or 70's,80's and 90's was used but I'm thinking about it.

    Btw, did anyone see the Sims 4 trailers. I am so excited to get a deeper look into it! So besides this photo here is a little something to expect from the diary;

    He held me against the wall. I couldn't make an escape but in my head there was a voice that was telling me I didn't even want to. Cole brought his lips to my ear,
"I know you like me" he whispered. I breathed hard. He slowly put his hands to my waist. I lifted my eyes to his.
"You can't know for sure" I swallowed. I did want him. I wanted him to hold me and tell me I was going to be okay when I felt like I wasn't. I wanted him to kiss me the way Andrew never could. 

"But I can" He assured. He leaned in. I raised my chin so my lips could reach his. Was I really going to do this. Hadn't he hurt me enough. I knew by kissing him now I would seal myself in his trust. A trust I hadn't been introduced to. Yet. I closed my eyes. The voice taunted me. Do it! Maybe I would've. But then I broke down. I placed my hands on his chest and pushed. His hands slid from my waist and he took a few steps back.
"I'm sorry" I said.
"Why can't you say yes to me?" He asked "Or at least properly tell me no?" I stared in his eyes. His gorgeous, gorgeous dark brown eyes.
"Because my soul tells me to be with you" I swallowed feeling a lump in my throat. Cole smiled slightly. He had gotten the confirmation "And I want to but... MY mind says I'll get hurt again. And I can't be left heart broken again" A tear rolled down my cheek. Cole's smile faded. He tried stepping towards me.
"No" I said sternly "I have to go"

So what do you think? Tell me in the comments.

More Coming Soon!

Hey Simmers!
I have some more news for you. 
My site will be GROWING.
For one once I get home I will start looking at CC (Custom Content) Leave your comments on where I can get some, how it's gone for you before and do you recommend it? Please be free to tell me. 
Second thing, I will add another blog to my site. This one will be through the eyes of an up coming character. My real flight date is actually the 21st so sorry for the confusion. But that just means that I will have created that sim before the up coming month and it will be up on my sims 3 profile. If you want any of my previous sims (The Lin household for example) You can go check out my studio. Just click the link below.
But yeah that was my news. Also I will be researching how I can get a 'subscribe button' on my site. Tell me if you know how to do that. If you want to send me some other news or a private message, here is my email.
[email protected]

More Coming Soon!
 So my dear readers, 
I have managed to get my hands on my very first stuff pack! I haven't updated in a while so here is one. It looks like I won't be getting Island Paradise due to it's recent release. Therefore it costs a lot. When University life came out it cost 40 euros. This summer it had gone down to 20. This is what I predict will happen with Island Paradise. I don't know. But in any case. I have gotten my hands on some money by working for my parents and I am thinking of getting the sims 3 Pets. This will add a lot more to talk about on my blog posts. But I have had two glances at my new stuff pack and I will have a larger one after my summer break. I will be going back away from my home country to my home on the 29... Yes August 29 I will be back. So my new blog posts will be starting back up then. My Savouring the Sims 3 might be cancelled or not I'm not sure yet. If I get the Sims 3 Pets it probably will be. But watch out for a new household by September. 

More Coming Soon!