    So yes, Simmers, Staci did get pregnant, she just didn't get the nauseous moodlets. She had twins and I didn't even use the whole Fertility Treatment Reward. Now this picture brings back some memories. This is when Staci was casually walking into the hospital all "Baby coming please don't panic" and this random strange is standing there screaming and pointing at my sim. Why this brings back memories? When Staci and Dylan still lived in Appaloosa Plains with Julie something like this happened as well. Julie was out boyfriends hunting when suddenly as she stepped out of the gym she snapped into jump and point mode. I noticed a lady who was about to give birth. So I had Julie ship her to the hospital as I waited I thought, I better get something out of this but all I got was the IT'S A BOY! moodlet. So yeah. By the way the twins are named Sydney and Clover. Sydney is Insane and Neurotic and Clover is Easily Impressed and a Light Sleeper. Also, Dylan went to Cornelia Goth's pool party during Leisure day. During the party at least 5 girls came up to him and were attracted to him. When the fifth came up I decided to leave before Dylan's Flirty trait took action.

    Now for the Flea's part of the title. While Zoey was out raising her hunting skill she caught fleas apparently. I thought this was a really cool addition to the game but annoying because I don't really like the black flying balls on my dogs. I had to give him a flea bath. Bear gained the Non-Destructive and Playful traits and it seemed like everyone saw a deer. Well interesting game play on my part I think.

More Coming Soon!
 P.S. I posted a new Create a Sim. And look out for the new post from Mackenna. Also SimFace has Mollies profile now. Go check it out!

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