    It is for Hunter Cottoneye. You don't see him here but he is about to enter this building, the River Front Swim Club. Inside, waiting, is his current girlfriend Dawn Dawson with a plan all laid out but before we get to that, let's see what our girls have been up to.
For one, Dawn, is in the lead with 4/10 boyfriends dated. The other girls? 1/10 for both. But that's okay because Joselyn realized her true calling. Writing. She is now and avid blogger who writes about people, and the things that go on around us. While Davina realized she really wants to be more friends with people than break their hearts. So while two women are changing their lives, one is still sticking to hers. So Hunter Cottoneye, is indeed, the 3rd boyfriend of Dawn. Only, he left quite the impression. You see, I wanted to flip the story a bit and make Dawn 'accidentally' pregnant. I did Try for Baby twice, but no jingle came. So I left it at that. So when Dawn moved on to her next guy and had just finished her 5th WooHoo with him she stepped out of bed and swapped into Maternity wear. I was a little more than confused. But now the household has been joined by Fiona Dawson, daughter of Dawn Dawson and Hunter Cottoneye. So while Dawn was pregnant, I decided to get her a little comfort pet... or 2. After adopting a squirrel and naming it Gibson she also adopted a dog named Lucky. A small, male, mutt. So how will this strange household's future work out?

More Coming Soon!

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