    So today with a heavy heart I pressed the delete button to the Fraser household. I would've liked to see where it could've gone but I was excited to share this new one with you so I went and did it. Let's get to their back story.

    Tyra, Monica and Cassie met in college. All with very different goals but some how they clicked. Tyra, soon found it clear one guy wasn't going to cut it. She quickly gained the slut label but didn't have a problem with it. Monica was always the leader. No one questioned her. She was fair and followed the politics. She became president of the student body and realized her true calling was to lead the people. Cassie was always the black sheep of the group. When she was little she wondered off into the woods and saw a shimmer. She ran deeper in and found what she swear was a beautiful creature with a narwhal horn. Even at her current age she hasn't given up search. And her friends haven't given up on her.

More Coming Soon!

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