    So I haven't updated any of you my lovely readers on anything that has been going on with the Archers. Or me for that matter. I came home form my holiday 3 days ago and so couldn't access my Sims Archer family. I hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year! And if you don't celebrate Christmas, I hope you had a great holiday. Over the break, I got a new expansion pack. Some of you can tell from the screenshot that it is, The Sims 3 Generations. So far, I'm very pleased. I got this expansion pack with my current Generation household specifically in mind. The review for this expansion pack will be up in maybe a week or two after I've played it a little longer and gotten a feel for it. Anyway, Kayla and Rickey aged up. Kayla got a horse and named it Roamer. It's black and has a white spot on it's back. Rickey married Bella Bachelor and they now have a daughter named Abby. I placed the Archer home on a street full of empty slots. I have chosen to use the empty lots as my generation homes. Only people from the Archer family will live here is what I'm saying. My house got over crowded once Abby was born so all generation abilities got shut out. Luckily I got this brilliant idea. Now some of you think, I'll just forget a household. That is not true. I will switch between households every week so I know what's going on. So, I will play with Bella and Rickey for the rest of this week and the whole of next. I will switch back to my original household next next week Monday. During that time I'm hoping to get Kayla married. I also sent Parker to a boarding school. I wanted him to be that rebel teen who threw parties without permission and did pranks on everyone. We'll see how this new technique works.

More Coming Soon!

P.S. SimFace will also be updated today

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