    Hey Simmers!
Merry (early) Christmas! Obviously my game was in sync since today the Archer family celebrated Snowflake Day. No big changes happened except that Trent aged up to Adult. So here are the presents everyone got. For some strange reason Kayla and Marcie got two presents but it doesn't really matter sine they both got an easel. Both times they got the present. It was a little disappointing. Parker got a lamp. Not too sure what I'll do with it yet and Rickey was the only person with a good present. He got a chess set. The expensive version. I will move the family to a much bigger house once Rickey ages up and marries Bella. That's when the generation part of the game will mostly start. Anyway, I also tried to get Parker a girlfriend. I spotted Sandi French at the park when he was out once. They became friends but then she had to leave. I tried to get the together at today's party but it was really crowded in the house so they couldn't find open space. I know most people might say just find someone easier. She is a bit harder since she seems to always have to be somewhere. But the reason I want Parker to be so determined to get this particular girl is becasue she is the daughter of Molly French. Now Molly was the first person Marcie was introduced to when the family moved to Sunset Valley. It ended with the two of them inside a cloud of dust. Now every time the two are near each other they get negative moodlets and want to kill each other. Exactly why I want Sandi was a future addition to the family. Leave comments about where you want the Archer family heading!

More Coming Soon!

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