    Today was somewhat eventful. For one thing, after I move Faith in yesterday, I realized she had no bed what so ever. So she was just going to have to share the room with Sierra. And yeah. That girl on the left is Sierra. I was just tired of her look and figured I could change it up a bit. I darkened her hair a little, changed it, gave her different make up and gave her a different dress. I also gave a makeover to her mom. It's way more different but I was too lazy to take a picture. I'm sure there is at least one picture of her new look in IOGP. Anyway... today I spent the day trying to figure out the new house a bit more. It was like I had moved right along with them. Also, both Raphael and Faith were acting glitchy. It was super weird. However it stopped after I reset them both. Nothing else weird occurred thought which I am more than okay with. I was really annoyed with the fact that even though Deadly Beauty is Marcus' horse, he has like level 1 riding skill. The one big factor that annoys me about the riding skill is that your sim doesn't stop looking like an idiot when they ride the horse until they're half way through the skill and it takes so LOOONNNGGG to develop. Anyway, that was my rant of the day. BTW I also posted on tumblr today so yah. Also, I noticed I had accidentally bought two stables. Don't know how that happened. But when Sierra woke up around MIDNIGHT! I had her go out to the riding centre and spend over 1,200 Sim Cash on a horse. So now she has one. But she's just as bad a rider as her dad. BTW Thought's of Mackenna was updated today.

More Coming Soon!

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