So today I threw a costume/birthday party for Raphael. I had a picture of him as a teen but I seem to have lost it. I'll take another one soon and show it to all of you guys either in my next post or in IOGP. Anyway, that's mostly all that happened. I made another CAS by the way so you can go check that out. Oh! And also, the mansion has an extra bedroom so since I'm not the kind of simmer who uses the 'ask to sleep over tonight' interaction, I figured I might as well use it. I thought that because it took me so freaking long time to get Staci pregnant, I didn't want to try that with Karla again. I also haven't adopted a child in a while so I was thinking that I could just as well do that right? So there may be a new family member coming soon. Just to keep the house a bit more 'alive'. For future plans, if Sierra and Jose do get married, they might not stay together. Hint, hint. Anyway,

More Coming Soon!

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