    So today I realized I was bored of the same old scenery. I think we all knew this was coming since I can get bored with one thing REALLY easily. So I decided to ditch their mansion build a new one and move them out. And I did. There is a pic of the house in IOGP. I also adopted the new kid today. His name is Kidd and he is a toddler. Yes, he is a male. There is a picture of him in IOGP as well. Now for this picture. I decided to get Raphael a girl friend so I got two random sims and mashed together their genes and I created this girl. I decided to make their back story a bit different though. So it basically goes like this, (BTW her name is Faith) So when Faith was small Faith's parents died and she went over to live with her aunt and uncle. How ever her rebelling side soon pushed through and her relatives decided to send her to a completely unknown family to her for 5 months to teach her some manners. When she got there Raphael immediately fell for her and now they're and item. So that's about it. I felt like making a sim with colored hair so I figured a bit of a rebelling sim would do. Also Thought's of Mackenna is going to be updated tomorrow. And I will be making a new page today I won't tell you anything about it here you'll just have

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