    So today, the Fraser family got a horse. If you've checked Marcus' SimFace profile you'll see he is an equestrian. So he got a wish to adopt a horse. I gave him that trait for two reasons. 1. There was nothing else. 2. I've seen at least 100 movies where rich people own like 20 pure bred horses and they ride them for a hobby.  So I decided to give him a horse and they could do show jumping as a hobby.
    So, I also used one premade sim who I turned from male to female and one sim I downloaded and combined them to make a son. He became Sierra immediate target. They got to the Good Friend relationship point and one day Sierra brought him home after school so they could do homework and I could have her make her move. After homework, Sierra's hygiene and hunger were super low. So I had her got take a shower and eat. I left her potential boyfriend unguarded while she ate and showered. I went to check on him as before I had seen him talking to the father. I noticed then a potential fight might break out between them. I broke them off and made the mom go talk to Jone (the boy) I went to check on Raphael who was at his friends house. When I came back the mom had just kicked Jone out of the house. I was super close to banging my head against my desk. I hope this get's sorted out or I might have to make a new guy.

More Coming Soon!

P.S. Tomorrow there is another Thought's of Mackenna post coming up!

    So yes I made a new household for September... I was just getting really bored with the Casillas. They didn't have enough background. So I made this one. It is, as you can see, a very fancy and formal family. It includes, the mother, the father, a teenaged daughter and a child son. They're profiles will be up on SimFace. BTW I deleted the actual site, I'm back with just having 1 page. I liked better. It was less complicated. I will have a game play post up today from this family. They don't have a house yet but soon they will.

More Coming Soon!

    So today I decided it was time one of the girls got up and left the house. And get a little closer with one of their neighbors. So when Clover got up that morning I got her to put on her best and go out. Unfortunately, everyone woke up at like 4 in the morning so I had to wait a while before I could have anyone get intimate. Clover went early to the library and got a sudden wish to join the political career. So I had this Party Animal go to the City hall and join her dream career.
    All Sydney and Davender did during my game play was live their lives. Sydney went to work, and I tried my hardest to keep our cat away from Rin. I have succeeded... for now. Anyway, Clover met a man named Parker at the library after she made and Online Dating account. They went out for lunch, which Parker ditched at first, then when Clover came out of the restaurant, Parker was right next to her. Even thought he seemed like a jerk at first I decided Clover couldn't be forever alone and when the date eventually ended Clover scored a boyfriend. Who apparently is a Great Kisser.

More Coming Soon!

    Yes, I did change the theme of my website. I was really bored of it so I went with this one which is this rainbow looking, black background kind of thing. You'll notice my signature on my posts from my previous theme has a white background. It was always like that. You just couldn't see it against the white background. But I changed it so now it has a clear background. Well, I'm hungry so I will go get some food. Leave a comment on weather you like the new layout better than the old one or weather you don't
    Isn't it weird that they're twins but look NOTHING alike? I mean Clover looks like her aunt and Sydney is like a mirror image of Staci. I just noticed. So I aged up the twins of Dylan and Staci Casillas and they now live together in a house across from their parents. I didn't get the dogs to have puppies but instead the night the two girls moved, I had Clover call the adoption center and adopt a cat. I haven't played with cats yet so this is going to be like discovering a bit about them. There is just one problem. Rin. I really hope the cat, Davender, doesn't kill it. I might just get a bird cage so he can't claw the parrot up. Anyway, you may notice Clover's make up is a bit strange. I decided to take advantage of her insane trait and use the new 7,8,9 make up and clothes. So that is why she has a lightning bolt on her eye ;).

Mackenna posted a new post on her page today go check it out.
Plus new CAS will be up soon. Today at least. Also I am so tired of my outro, 'More Coming Soon!' Comment on what I should say at the end of my posts instead. In the mean time,

More Coming Soon!

P.S. I changed the name of the CAS page to 'Sims Next Door'