    Isn't it weird that they're twins but look NOTHING alike? I mean Clover looks like her aunt and Sydney is like a mirror image of Staci. I just noticed. So I aged up the twins of Dylan and Staci Casillas and they now live together in a house across from their parents. I didn't get the dogs to have puppies but instead the night the two girls moved, I had Clover call the adoption center and adopt a cat. I haven't played with cats yet so this is going to be like discovering a bit about them. There is just one problem. Rin. I really hope the cat, Davender, doesn't kill it. I might just get a bird cage so he can't claw the parrot up. Anyway, you may notice Clover's make up is a bit strange. I decided to take advantage of her insane trait and use the new 7,8,9 make up and clothes. So that is why she has a lightning bolt on her eye ;).

Mackenna posted a new post on her page today go check it out.
Plus new CAS will be up soon. Today at least. Also I am so tired of my outro, 'More Coming Soon!' Comment on what I should say at the end of my posts instead. In the mean time,

More Coming Soon!

P.S. I changed the name of the CAS page to 'Sims Next Door'

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