    First I'm going to ask you, is it wrong I made Brandon my first punk rock themed sim? He does have the grumpy trait and I have never used that before but I'm curious as to what kind of like a punk teen can live. This picture is when he went with one of his friends to a hangout I built myself and got drunk on some drinks. Well, as drunk as a sim can get. You can only get the sugar rush moodlet which freezes the Fun need for 4 sim hours. Anyway, this his mother Joy lecturing him because he stayed out after curfew (on purpose ;) ) and got arrested. So that is the new Brandon. I did use a premade sim that I sort of altered to make his girlfriend. A picture of her is in I.O.G.P. Sort of. It's a picture of Brandon and her (Lauren) making out so... I don't know. What else happened? Today was very uneventful. Oh! The triplets are going to age up in the next game play, which I am very excited about. Hopefully I can take over one of them and play with them eventually. By the way, during the sumemr I'm going to try to get the new Island Paradise Expansion Pack which is coming out on the 25th and let me just say I CAN"T WAIT!

Also I posted the poll in the polls page. Results will be taken in on the 20th which is I think the date for the next sim magazine. But go into the polls and give me your opinion on the question please! Like I said before, it is on Lauren and Brandon.

More Coming Soon!

    So, this happened a while ago in the last post actually but I didn't tell you all about it. I will now since Andrew will be doing this more often than not. And yes I mean he will be digging through other people's trash cans in the future. So now you're probably going, why would you make him do that? Because his job requires him to. He is in the Law enforcement career track and he's like level 5 or 6. So at that point your sim is required to write reports. Now I have never gone this far into begin a police officer so I did not know this. Basically you either question other sims or dig through their trash. I prefer the trash thing because the question interaction tends to bore the opposite sim and you then get no information. So yeah. This picture actually now seems quite normal to me. Just remember he is a police officer. He even got promoted today again and got his own police car so I sold one of my old cars and put the police car in the garage.

    That's enough about Andrew so let's move on to the other stuff. The triplets had their birthday today. In my other post, don't remember which one, I told you the real birthdays got a bit mixed up but with the help of cheats (YAY cheats!) I managed to get them back on track. I think... I didn't check to be honest. Anyway, the pictures of the three now children, triplets are in I.O.G.P. The names will be in the comments. Also, Brandon will be aging to teen in a short amount of time so he need a girl friend. There is a poll on the new Polls page about that so check that out and give your opinion. No right or wrong answers people!

More Coming Soon!

    Now in real life I know this would be the worst idea ever but then again you don't usually find really diamonds and junk lying around in the snow. But my point here is Ellen got the Collector's Helper I think it's called. So it shows her where all the bugs, rocks, stones, fish and everything collectible is. I figured since Ellen rally had no purpose except live her life in my game play I figured she might as well start collecting stuff since I never really tried it. Anyway, the reason I put all my findings is for one reason to kind of remind me of what I have found and plus I might not find some of this stuff again so it's sort of like... I don't know not really a memory thingy but something close to it. So in the future prepare for more of Ellen's findings.

    In my next post you WILL, I promise see the triplets in their child age and their rooms, which I found I had just enough of. I wanted to have them in this post but I didn't. I might have another post up today because I will continue playing after I post this. The thing with the triplets was that Olivia who is supposed to be the future jock of the three girls, Lucy is supposed to be like the nerd and then Claire will be the popular possibly mean girl, somehow was supposed to age a day before the two other chick which doesn't make since cause well, they're triplets they were born only minutes apart not days. They're toddler aging happened on the same day so I'm just kind of curious. Anyway, stay tuned for those updates. By the way, my CAS video's have been postponed because I can'r find a screen recording software. If you know a good one that is easy to use or easy to figure out and free and downloadable please tell me in the comments. Thank you!

More Coming Soon!

    Finally, finally, finally Ellen won't have to be alone. Today she had a large amount of event that in real life could never happen in one day but hey, it's the Sims. ;) Anyway, the guy who earlier refused to flirt with Ellen ended up marrying Ellen. That's him in the picture. Ellen asked him out to dinner and then invited him home. I tried flirting with him and sure enough by the end of the day they were having a quick hour long private wedding. If you have Sims you know you can hold private weddings or whole wedding parties. I was so tired of Ellen beign basically the baby sitter of Joy's many children so I got them married righ after the proposal. Unfortunately after the triplets and after Mike (Ellen's new husband) moved in, the household was filled and Ellen and Mike could not adopt a child.

    I did get the triplets under control eventually. They also aged up to toddlers. Tomorrow, hopefully, will be Brandon's turn to age up to child. That would be one less crying baby to take care of. The pictures of the triplets are in I.O.G.P. They are named, Lucy, Claire and Olivia. Olivia is wearing purple, Claire is wearing brown and Lucy is wearing red. I like to base the clothing colours on favorite colour. Anyway, I will probably base my next gameplay on one of the triplets.

More Coming Soon!

    Today I noticed that due to her pregnancy Joy wasn't getting exercise. So now she has gone back to being a plus size. I have to get her to exercise again. She also seems to constantly be tired. Her son Brandon is in this picture where Andrew is teaching him to walk. Andrew and Joy also had a private wedding. So now they live together.

    I felt really bad for Ellen though because her best friends life had taken off so well and she hasn't found a decent guy. I tried online dating but I only seemed to attract elders. So I decided to make a Sim. That didn't work out either. He, for some ridiculous, reason refused to flirt with Ellen. I decided to try again later with him. But since I really couldn't take another pregnant Sim I figured I was just going to adopt a child.

    I wanted to have twins since I haven't played with one's I haven't made in create a sim. So I bought the Fertility treatment lifetime happiness reward and hoped for the best. Instead of twins however I ended up with triplets. I thought; 'Yeah, cool even better right?' WRONG! when I brought the girls home they were all hungry. Even with the 3 adults in the family I could not get them under control. Joy was once again tired and passed out multiple times while she tried to calm down the triplets. It had only been a few minutes and I was already regretting this whole idea. Eventually I hired a baby sitter but she was no help WHAT SO EVER! she simply took care of the baby's if they were hungry or smelly. If they were lonely she didn't care. I eventually saved in the middle when 3/4 babies and toddlers were in a crisis. I just couldn't take it anymore. Especially when an alien landed in my yard and the baby sitter decided she had had enough.

P.S. I will have new pictures up today
P.P.S. I will have a brand new page up that will have CAS videos of me making sims so stay tuned

More Coming Soon!

    Today's gaming sessions was A LOT longer than usual. Therefore a lot of things happened. Such as Halloween. Joy wanted to throw a feast party and I allowed her. I was a little afraid she would put back all those pounds she had lost but she didn't surprisingly. Andrew stayed over after the party. Joy wanted to have a child with him even though they weren't married yet. The first time Andrew awkwardly rejected but i tried again 5 seconds later and he was fine with it. Now this is one of the reasons my game play ran so long, I wanted to play until the baby was born. I unfortunately couldn't catch a picture of him because it was very late and I had to go to bed.

    I'm sorry if you've noticed I barely write about Ellen. I will when she finds a boyfriend. If she can't find one, I will make one. If I'm too lazy she'll just adopt a child. I do think the children of both these ladies will stay in the house. Mainly because it has like eight bedrooms, so it's pretty empty with just two best friends living there.

    I unfortunately forgot to pay the bills. This time they didn't dhow me the alert that I had only one day so the repoman came over and took my second Foosball table. Luckily since my sims are rich the moment the man left the lot I went to buy mode and bought a new one.

    Another thing about Joy. She has started to improve her Logic skill. So when I was bored and waiting for the baby, I called over the next ranked chess opponent. Surprisingly she was a teenager. Joy won obviously. There are new pictures up today so go check those out.

More Coming Soon!

    Today was a good day. For Joy at least. From this picture you can see she is NO LONGER a plus size. Early in the morning she hit the gym and burned off what ever extra she had missed from her first day in Riverview. And it did indeed pay off... Joy possibly met the man of hr dreams. Andrew. You will find if picture in I.O.G.P.

    Leisure day arrived and Ellen decided to throw a pool party. Well, her party didn't go as well as Joy's day. First, right when the party started it began to rain hail. Eventually when guests began to arrive it turned into rain. Not that that's much better. Anyway, Ellen still spent time with her guests outside and I was surprised that marshmallow roasting and small talk kept people happy through out the party. When it ended people left happy. I was happy to see Ellen had hosted a party that was near epic

More Coming Soon!

    Today while I was playing with my Meier household I wanted to make a girlfriend for Charlie. That proved to be fatal. Since I was too lazy to make one myself I figured I could just download it and it would be fine. WRONG! I downloaded three different teenage girl Sims form the Sims 3 Exchange. They came with some content that messed up my computer and so I could no longer work the CAS no matter what. SO I resulted in reinstalling the game. I forgot that when I reinstall all my stuff just disappears. I only remembered this when I found the empty starting screen.

    So I figured I couldn't cry about it all day so I might as well make a new household. My new household consists of two young adults;
Ellen Hammot and Joy Jhonson. Ellen wants to become a Hit Movie Composer one day and even though Joy is a bit over weight she dreams of becoming a Superstar Athlete. In this picture the blondie is Ellen and the darker one is Joy. They are besties. In this case, they are playing Foosball at The Watering Hole Juice Bar in Riverview. I altered my weather settings so Summers last 6 sim days, winters are 15, fall is 5 and spring is 5 aswell. So I went for a slightly a colder theme with the weather. Why? Both my sims Love the Cold.

P.S. I have finished filming the clips for the movie and I saved them before I reinstalled so I do have them. I will send them to my Mac and edit them together and eventually post it.

More Coming Soon!

    Sorry I haven't been updating regularly like I usually have. However I am back. In my previous post that I did post today, you heard about my summer vacation plans so I'm not going to waste my time explaining it twice so I'll just jump right into game play.

    So today I realized when I started playing in my last save Cameron had sneaked out into the snow. So when I started playing I found him almost buried in snow. Luckily he wasn't frozen but I have to admit, I still haven't tried to unfreeze anyone with the hairdryer and I've really wanted to try it out. Anyway, I also realized the house my family lived in had become too small after Cameron came so I decided It was time they moved. At this point I would like to give credit to builditfilmitM. He is a YouTuber who makes sim lots and buildings. I downloaded his Family Living house and placed it in Riverview which is the town my sims live in. You'll see the house in Image's of Game Play if you don't know it. So when we/I/they moved it was Charlies birthday so he became a teenager. This is a picture of him snowboarding after his party that lasted maybe 1 sim hour. You can see his full face in Images of Game Play.

P.S. Look out for a sims movie that should be posted by this week.
P.P.S. I have some days when I'm not allowed to use electronics. (Wednesday and Friday)

    More Coming Soon!

    Yes this post has no picture because it is simply an update of what will happen over the summer. I will be leaving the country I currently live in to go to Finland (my home). And since I can't exactly drag a PC all the way to Europe I can't play sims on my PC which it works best on... HOWEVER, I will be taking a mac with me which does have Sims installed. Will it have the current household I'm currently using? I honestly don't know. My sims works slow on the mac but it does work. So just telling you, my posting over the summer won't be as frequent. But summer break is 3 weeks away so I have plenty of time. Hopefully, with the 110 euros on my account my parents will allow me to buy a stuff pack. YAY!