    Today while I was playing with my Meier household I wanted to make a girlfriend for Charlie. That proved to be fatal. Since I was too lazy to make one myself I figured I could just download it and it would be fine. WRONG! I downloaded three different teenage girl Sims form the Sims 3 Exchange. They came with some content that messed up my computer and so I could no longer work the CAS no matter what. SO I resulted in reinstalling the game. I forgot that when I reinstall all my stuff just disappears. I only remembered this when I found the empty starting screen.

    So I figured I couldn't cry about it all day so I might as well make a new household. My new household consists of two young adults;
Ellen Hammot and Joy Jhonson. Ellen wants to become a Hit Movie Composer one day and even though Joy is a bit over weight she dreams of becoming a Superstar Athlete. In this picture the blondie is Ellen and the darker one is Joy. They are besties. In this case, they are playing Foosball at The Watering Hole Juice Bar in Riverview. I altered my weather settings so Summers last 6 sim days, winters are 15, fall is 5 and spring is 5 aswell. So I went for a slightly a colder theme with the weather. Why? Both my sims Love the Cold.

P.S. I have finished filming the clips for the movie and I saved them before I reinstalled so I do have them. I will send them to my Mac and edit them together and eventually post it.

More Coming Soon!

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