    Now in real life I know this would be the worst idea ever but then again you don't usually find really diamonds and junk lying around in the snow. But my point here is Ellen got the Collector's Helper I think it's called. So it shows her where all the bugs, rocks, stones, fish and everything collectible is. I figured since Ellen rally had no purpose except live her life in my game play I figured she might as well start collecting stuff since I never really tried it. Anyway, the reason I put all my findings is for one reason to kind of remind me of what I have found and plus I might not find some of this stuff again so it's sort of like... I don't know not really a memory thingy but something close to it. So in the future prepare for more of Ellen's findings.

    In my next post you WILL, I promise see the triplets in their child age and their rooms, which I found I had just enough of. I wanted to have them in this post but I didn't. I might have another post up today because I will continue playing after I post this. The thing with the triplets was that Olivia who is supposed to be the future jock of the three girls, Lucy is supposed to be like the nerd and then Claire will be the popular possibly mean girl, somehow was supposed to age a day before the two other chick which doesn't make since cause well, they're triplets they were born only minutes apart not days. They're toddler aging happened on the same day so I'm just kind of curious. Anyway, stay tuned for those updates. By the way, my CAS video's have been postponed because I can'r find a screen recording software. If you know a good one that is easy to use or easy to figure out and free and downloadable please tell me in the comments. Thank you!

More Coming Soon!

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