    I have recently made a new household because I got a bit bored with my old one. So the poll for weather Brandon will marry Lauren is no longer active. My new household is called Lin. I did not include the sims in this picture because the household consist of 5 sims. And I find it hard to get the into a pose together and still have their faces show. So to show you my new household you can go into my new page called the SimFace. There you will find their basic information and traits. I will be traveling to my home country on June 29th so This household might be very short as I am unaware of weather or not it will show on my mac. Also I don't know weather I'll find it when I got back again. I will upload it to the sims 3 Exchange so you can download it and I can sort of resume with it. Same family different way of playing I guess. Anyway, I hope I can get the Island Paradise Expansion when I do go to my home. I don't know about you but I am more than excited to see the first Let's Play's and Reviews of this Expansion Pack!

More Coming Soon!

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