    Sorry I haven't been updating regularly like I usually have. However I am back. In my previous post that I did post today, you heard about my summer vacation plans so I'm not going to waste my time explaining it twice so I'll just jump right into game play.

    So today I realized when I started playing in my last save Cameron had sneaked out into the snow. So when I started playing I found him almost buried in snow. Luckily he wasn't frozen but I have to admit, I still haven't tried to unfreeze anyone with the hairdryer and I've really wanted to try it out. Anyway, I also realized the house my family lived in had become too small after Cameron came so I decided It was time they moved. At this point I would like to give credit to builditfilmitM. He is a YouTuber who makes sim lots and buildings. I downloaded his Family Living house and placed it in Riverview which is the town my sims live in. You'll see the house in Image's of Game Play if you don't know it. So when we/I/they moved it was Charlies birthday so he became a teenager. This is a picture of him snowboarding after his party that lasted maybe 1 sim hour. You can see his full face in Images of Game Play.

P.S. Look out for a sims movie that should be posted by this week.
P.P.S. I have some days when I'm not allowed to use electronics. (Wednesday and Friday)

    More Coming Soon!

    Yes this post has no picture because it is simply an update of what will happen over the summer. I will be leaving the country I currently live in to go to Finland (my home). And since I can't exactly drag a PC all the way to Europe I can't play sims on my PC which it works best on... HOWEVER, I will be taking a mac with me which does have Sims installed. Will it have the current household I'm currently using? I honestly don't know. My sims works slow on the mac but it does work. So just telling you, my posting over the summer won't be as frequent. But summer break is 3 weeks away so I have plenty of time. Hopefully, with the 110 euros on my account my parents will allow me to buy a stuff pack. YAY!